Wadah Madrasah Pengalaman: Tutorial Slide Shoutbox Icon Swap edisi comel

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tutorial Slide Shoutbox Icon Swap edisi comel


Salam Korang...

Kali nie Wan nak wat Tutorial Slide Shoutbox Icon Swap edisi comel lak..Nampak tak gambar kat atas tu , camtu lah rupa Shout tu..hehehe..Swap nie maksudnya..Kalau korang arahkan cursor korang ke icon shout tu..So icon tu kan berubah..Sama jugak macam icon Shout Wan tu..Kalau korang nak..

Jom Tutorial

Diharap selepas korang ambik koding nie Korang tak ubah mana mana backlink or koding yang Wan wat nie..Kalau nak ubah Icon dan frame tu tak pe..Koding lain Wan harapkan korang jangan ubah..Bukan senang nak koding HTML..Wan boleh pastikan koding yang korang guna..

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Pastikan korang letak kod diruangan tengah dibawah sekali k..

Kod Slide Shoutbox Icon Swap edisi comel

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<a class='linkopacity' href='http://wanhazel.blogspot.com/2011/08/tutorial-slide-shoutbox-icon-swap-edisi.html' imageanchor='1' rel='nofollow' style='margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;' target='_blank' title='Get This'><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEju-0UFm4vJrHF9vIkXRuwwdqRLdzBnrjhqHj6-G60gM6cUjAhAIk1OCD7M_wF2tCFdPdEoLTeyW-IhzQD_i_17U2-Umv7PYwwXWxb5zTFQR9lLNeoCglyIrg90Cphn8iwAOs14YfLVJ0Y/s1600/iconlink.gif" /></a><br />

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KOD SHOUT KORANG...WIDTH:240 dan HEIGHT:280. yang tu korang masukkan kod Shoutmix,Cbox dll korang dengan lebar 240 dan tinggi 280

Preview dan Save

Ok tu je

Selamat mencuba ..



Just Mini Love said...

creatif giler ye wan..
cumel sume hasil kerje wan..

- ΛΙSY - said...

comel :D

Anonymous said...

kod cbox uh nk amik at ne?? huhuhu~


abg ... nk tnye nie .... knape shoutbox uh ta center ?? t dy tertutup kt muke pom1 uh ... ta nampak la ... so mcm ane nk uat ??

qienaashburn said...

hiks. abg wan. thankiess wohhh :)
kite dah amek kod ni. dah buad dah. dah jadi. dah lame nak mcm ni :)thankss for the codeeeeee. weee :)

Wan_hazel said...

ieyza afieyna

tengs taw

Wan_hazel said...


tengs taw

Wan_hazel said...

cayang GIRANG muahx muahx

yg kod shoutmix tu...

Wan_hazel said...


tak center ke??dah edit lom size

Anonymous said...

x leh nk melebar la. byk kali da ekjas p masih sama. adoila~

Wan_hazel said...

qienaa :]


iffah hazwani said...

thank you..dah jadi..:D

Wan_hazel said...

cayang GIRANG muahx muahx

eh pelik..nape tak leh lah?lebar jgn guna 100% guna 240

Wan_hazel said...

Iffah Hazwani


Anonymous said...

kalau buat at tengah2 x leh kew ???


suda edit saiznye pun ....

Sara Shaari said...

Dah buat, tapi nape xkelua shoutmix nye? huhu icon tu ad je..tp bila klik, xd kelua pape..

Wan_hazel said...

cayang GIRANG muahx muahx

rasa nya boleh bgatung dgn template tu camne...

Wan_hazel said...


pelik lak eh..

Wan_hazel said...

Sara Cullen

pelik nie..

Anonymous said...

masih pening @_@

bella_bumbum said...

wan macam mana nak buat corak kat baju doodle tu ? T.T

Wan_hazel said...

cayang GIRANG muahx muahx

slow2 girang...letak kod tu betul2 kat tgh taw..add gadget tu kat tgh

Wan_hazel said...


tgk tuto nie..


Nazatulwanis said...

comel comel ..
hahaks .. makasih atas perkongsiannya ^^, .. salam ziarah

Anonymous said...


Alia Syaza :) said...

brother wan, saya dah buat ikut yg abg suruh, tapi kenapa dia tidak center yee? dia keluar mcm yg dekat side je.. xkeluar dekat tengah pun.. nak buat mcm mna lagi yee?

Anonymous said...

da jd cuma x leh nk melebar.

Wan_hazel said...

Mawar berduri

sama2...salam ziarah jugak..ehhehe

Wan_hazel said...

i am S!L4H..

ehehhe..tengs silah

Wan_hazel said...

Alia Syaza :)

wan tgk kat blog k

Wan_hazel said...

Alia Syaza :)

link blog...wan tak leh jejak lah..

Wan_hazel said...

cayang GIRANG muahx muahx

girang..camne tu erk

S.i.t.i H.a.j.a.r said...

wan, dah try buat dari tadi, tp knape bile click die tak kluar, gambar tepi tue macam image je, tak boleh nak click.. huhu :(

S.i.t.i H.a.j.a.r said...

kenape tak boleh click? gambar kat tepi tue macam image pulak, tak bole click langsung. huhu. help plss wan :(

Wan_hazel said...

ok..wan cek

Wan_hazel said...

PM wan kat FB..wan hazel

S.i.t.i H.a.j.a.r said...

oke wan, dah add.. Siti Hajar . dah anta mesej jugak ;)

Wan_hazel said...

ok wan dah app

MaisarahSidi said...

cumil2 :)
tq yep

Aqilah Azmi said...


Anonymous said...

tengs wan :D ..

AzahraGamalAbdulNasir said...

comel..sye try..

Ayfa Mia said...

sy dah buat..^_^

Yaddeu said...

Tysm Wan ! Yad ambek xD

TheBusuk's said...

kretif btol wan..mana blajar coding2 ni? cik non tringin nak jd pakar cam wan..hehe..

anyway, cik non buat tuto wan ni, pakai doodle sdiri..huuu..tp xcntik mcm wan punya..sob3

Wan_hazel said...

♥ Maisarah Humaira ♥


Wan_hazel said...

Akeyla Frr .

blaja je doodle tu.s.enang je

Wan_hazel said...



Wan_hazel said...


tengs..try lah k..

Wan_hazel said...

Hayfa Damia


Wan_hazel said...


boleh je..yad

Wan_hazel said...

Cik Non

ehhehe..wan blaja sendiri je...tak pe yg penting doodle tu kita wat sndiri

hidayahkhairi said...

tk jdy lha . saye gne blogskin . saye ikodd bende tue tp tk ade pown .

Sue Hamiza said...

comelnye..:) thanks..^^


amek ^^ thanks

Arina said...

Abg wan,baby kecik baru nak buat blog ni,nak cari cbox frame cumil2,jalan2 dah jauh2 last2 terjumpa cumil2 di sini...baby sukke,suke,suke,hekhek..minta izin nak copy ye..thanks byk2..

Wan_hazel said...



Wan_hazel said...

Baby Alesya

ehehhe..comel nye baby kecik nie...boleh je..akalu tak reti kasi taw k..wan leh tlg...

norazwa said...

wan!!>.syer ambik yer doodle yg tomey momey tur

Wan_hazel said...

ok..boleh je..hehehe

49 said...

tq wan!! sya dh amik..hhu... slamat berpuasa yerr..

amir said...

salam . hm . abg wan . yg "kod shout korang" tuh kod ape ? nk cari kat mna ?

사유리 하나 (SH) said...

Wan..Yuri [ehek ganjil plak] minta coding swap ni yerk.. tapi yuri tak amik semua coding ni... ambil yang bahagian image bertukar tu aja :)

niazis said...

comelnyee..amek satu.^^

Wan_hazel said...

사유리 하나 (SaYuRi)

ok yuri...peace

Wan_hazel said...


tengs...ambek je k..ehehhe

사유리 하나 (SH) said...

wan. kalau nak letak shoutbox kat header..ada tak caranya :)

Wan_hazel said...

yuri..leh tgk tuto nie k..


f i r d a u s said...

oo mcm wan punye shoutbox tu paggil shout swap ek... hehe mcm mne nk wat gamba lain gk ? kne gune adobe ke ? flash? alaa :D

nfarah7 said...

kenape tak center pun? ish!

Wan_hazel said...

f i r d a u s

adobe je neko..wat dua gambar..

Wan_hazel said...

Yoon Hae

add gadget kat ruang tgh k

Mommy's Diary of Life said...

leh guna kan? try sekejap.. hehehe. tq

Wan_hazel said...

boleh je..ehhehe

Mas Farah (= said...

salam . En.Wan .. Mas amek yee tutor nie .chomell sangat lah . hehehe :) tengz:)

Unknown said...

ok jadi..1st tu mmg x jdi sbb dye xnmpk..tpi bila edit kekanan bru jadi..admin, thnxs yup..

Wan_hazel said...

mas farah

ok je..ehehhe

Alya Balqis Studio said...

cantik btl wan buat..guna tutor ni ye..mekasih..

Wan_hazel said...

sama2..tengs taw

Anonymous said...

salam wan~
kiter buat.. tapi mcm tersorok sikit gambar tu..ashane ye..??

kiter nak tukar jugak url pic tu.. cume blom buat lagi..jdik pakai yg cam lam tutor dlu.. harap xmarah~ huhuu..
tapi tu la.. die tak jadik sgt.. nape ye..?

Wan_hazel said...

tak jadi sgt??frame dia tersorok ke??add gadget ka tgh2 taw

QasehSuci said...

wan...x jadi pown akak wat...cbox still ada kat sidebar...dia tak sorok pown...camne??

Wan_hazel said...

akak..akak kene letak kod shout kat dalam kod tutorial wan tu taw

sherryfie said...

wan,asal die jadi kat tepi...:(
cmner nakbuat die jd tengah2 mcm wan punya shoutbox :)

Wan_hazel said...

add gadget tu kat tgh2 taw

sherryfie said...

thanks byak2 yer wan :)
dah jadi...

Wan_hazel said...


D r . C u h a Z a i n i said...

dah jadi...thanks wan..

Wan_hazel said...

sama sama....

Kiera Rashid said...

comel , jdy ohh . tengss :)

puterihikayat said...

salam...comel sangat ..wani dah buat ..thankz...

puterihikayat said...

banyak bajar tuto di sini :D

Wan_hazel said...



Alya Balqis Studio said...

wan mcm ne plak coding nak buat float objek mcm wan bt klik saya 2??

Wan_hazel said...

tgk tuto nie..


Alya Balqis Studio said...

t.ksih wan..nak cbe bt..:-)

Wan_hazel said...


Bella Sahidi said...

Guna tuto nyy (:

Wan_hazel said...


Anonymous said...

thanks wan.. tutorial yg cmni wan pnh 1 lg tu.. xjadi pun.. so sue berjaya bt shoutbox gne tutorial nie.. hehehe

Wan_hazel said...


atien said...

amek ea..

Wan_hazel said...

boleh je..eehee

Sofea said...

terjadikk sudhaa , tengss . :)

Wan_hazel said...


Anonymous said...

done done! eh! bru komen sbb nak tanye ashane nak tukar doodle yg berubah tu.. takut plak nak masukkan kod. takut tak jadik.. huhuu... nk tukar cane ye..?

WanScarlet said...

asal shoutbox turun xcentre xnmpk bila turun

Wan_hazel said...

♥tiehanurfatiha♥◕ ‿‿ ◕♥

tukar kat kod nie

'SHout','','http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3kHKyRUc_ZM/TkdSg9OhC6I/AAAAAAAAH6Q/GiCeUPqfgJQ/s1600/b.png',1)"><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hrldhDSQShw/TkdSZ1gHtdI/AAAAAAAAH6I/gdus48XBONs/s1600/a.png" alt="SHout" name="SHout"

yg ,png tu..dari http:// sampai.png..dua dua tu tuka..so satu masa bisa yh satu lagi masa cursor sentuh

Wan_hazel said...

Islamic Barakah

add gadget kat tengah2 k

miz_anna said...

wan sya ambk shotbox ni ye....tq

Wan_hazel said...

ok..boleh je..ehehhe

Cik Ana said...

Nape bile klik je kat shoutbox tu die kluar automatically new tab ek??? ade care x untuk ilangkan mende tu???

adila ! said...

abg wan . org da test buad ni . tapi ta kuar pun shoutbox . image tu ada . frame suma ada . tp shoutbox ta keluar . kenapa ehh ?

Wan_hazel said...

Miss Ana

yg tu mesti guna koding open in new tab tu kan..u maslah tenplate awak tu

Wan_hazel said...

adila !

dah masukn kod shoutbox??

adila ! said...

kod shoutbox ? apa kodnya yaa ? belum masuk kot . hehhe :DD

Wan_hazel said...

kod shoutbox tu leh dapat kat shoutmix.com..hehehe

adila ! said...

ohhh . dah letak da . terlepas pandang pula benda alah tu . hehheh . btw thanks yaa . comel sgt ! :DD

Wan_hazel said...


LuRVe_aTieY said...

tq wan hazel...atiey dah amik kod nih yer..jadikkk...comei2...i loikeee....suke2...^^

::CIK LYNN:: said...

thnks...cik lynn amik shoutbox comel ni....ska sgt2!!!

MelHavfiz. said...

tqs 4 the tutorial ! keep in touch !

Wan_hazel said...


nini said...

yeay manjadi.. thanks for da tuto :)

Wan_hazel said...



anna said...

yess!!akhirnya jmpe jgk tuto nie & bjya wt..tQ wan.... :)

cik ika said...

da try wat tp shoutbox nye ta msok dlm background uh..pe patot ika bua? die jd pnjg sgt..ika da tukar da code weight n height uh even ika acctualy tataw nk tukar kt ne..bntu ika ley??

law ley bls kt shoutbox ika nt ea...tq~~

Wan_hazel said...

cik ika

ika dah ubah lebar dan tggi???shoutbox tu berubah tak ???or kedududkan shout ika yang tak ok??

• diahudin • said...

wan! menjadi! but ada problem ckit , dia punya button close tu ke bawahhh sangat . tolong ! :(((

Wan_hazel said...

kalau yg tu..buang < br>< br> dia taw..yg kat ats kod shoutmix

cik fatin said...

asal bende tuh tak kelua tengah dea kua tepi mcm mane oang nak tulis nnt .tolong tengok blog noniy niy

Wan_hazel said...

dalam tuto pun wan dah kasi taw..

Pastikan korang letak kod diruangan tengah dibawah sekali k..

hehehe..so slmt mencuba

mochacino said...

memang comel..tapi icon swap bentuk lain ada??? :)

Wan_hazel said...

tak de lak..hehehe..

The Anasa said...

Thanks menjadi ^_^ Cuma mcm mana nak customize (tukarkan ke picture sendiri) ya? Dah renew link, still tak dapat. Btw ini tuto Wan kan>> http://eida-hafieda.blogspot.com/2011/10/tutorial-slide-shoutbox-icon-swap-edisi.html Atau pun sudah beri izin ? hehe

Wan_hazel said...

kene ubah dua image tu..ade je tgk kat icon dia...

fatyn mayda said...

abg wan cmne nak bgi dy hilang balik???

Wan_hazel said...

maksud nak bg dia hilang tu??

wany said...

tengs abg Wan..tpy pic laen ad x??
s0wy byk tnye..

Wan_hazel said...

ada rasanya..try cek kat frame shoutbox..bhgian tuto tu

Jiqaa said...

sukaa tuto nie ! sy ambil yea ? :)

miya zahra said...

Thankksss wanhazel comell nya doodle neee~

Anonymous said...

dah paste da code tu, ade da..tp mcm kosong je..xde pun tmpt nk taip nye ape ke..

Wan_hazel said...

dah masukn kod shoutbox??

Nurul Aisyah said...

wah menarilk...tp nape dia x center...dia terkeluar ke bawah...x duk tgh2...da buat ikut sizenya tp jd mcm tu???? kenapa? :(
dia ke bawah!!! ke bawah!! napa??
padahal ada lagi kosong kat atas tu...isk2...plsss e tolong

Nurul Aisyah said...

oh..ye...tlg bg tau kat sy suruh tgk komen wan kat sini...takut lupa nak tgk...visit http://tiniersakura.blogspot.com

Nurul Aisyah said...

wan...isk2......ce tgk kat

dia x center...

Wan_hazel said...

ok..wan akan tgk

Nurul Aisyah said...

terima kasih wan...tp dia x center sgt..knp e?
kalau wan pun da x tau mcm mana nak tlg...xpe lah ok la..

Wan_hazel said...

add gadget kat tgh2 k

Fathanah said...

salam wan,,cne nak dptkan kod shout tu,,bile bukak shoutmix,com tu musti cm error in page.

bole x wan bg 1 cnth kod??

time kasih :)

Anonymous said...

abg wan,,org amek ek,,time kasih..

yg len sume da ok..
tp nape shoutbox xkeluar??
pastu bile nk dftr ke cbox
asyik2 kate name already used

cane nak buat abg wan??
help me pleaseee

Wan_hazel said...

try buat dgn nama lain k

Wan_hazel said...


buat cbox k..nanti ade kod dia..

Unknown said...

alhamdulillah...dah menjadi..terima kasih wan...
banyak yg ngadu,napa cbox muncul tak center...
rupa2nya kena letak kotak html/javascript utk kod ini ditengah a.k.a di bawah blog post..hehehe..
wat suspek jer..eh,suspen..

Anonymous said...

urmm..buat tuh dah menjadi..but
cam na nak bagi dia ke center ekk..
sebab dia kat tepi la.. so x leh nak chat langung

Wan_hazel said...

add gadget letak kat tgh2 page elemant k...letak kat bawah sekali

Anonymous said...

ok thanx ! dah jadi dah..! ^_^

Michiyo Zakwan said...

Abg WAN . . . memang comel . Tapi saya bdax gii hahaha . so x tau sgt nk buat bnda nii . . adoiii >.< . .

CHIeqs said...

masih confius..camner nak dapat KOD SHOUT KORANG tu..dah buat xpi x jd.

Wan_hazel said...

kod tu dapat dari fibox / cbox or mana mana tempat je...

AinZaini said...

salam...dah try wat..bleh click n kluar shoutmix tu, tp xbleh nak tulis...dia xkluar tmpat nak tulis..nape ek?

Wan_hazel said...

tak keluar..pelik..kalau masukn betul2 kod shoutmix.mesti akan kluar...kan skang shoutmix kene bayar dah bayar blum???kalau belum guna je fibox.com k

shera said...

Shera dah buat ikut tuto ni betul2 , tapi macam kebawah sangatlah . Button close tak nampak . macam mana eh ?

Anonymous said...

thanks wan .. dah guna ... comel gi;eee :D

Unknown said...

tq,,,m'jd.chomel2 sgt gurlz kai tdng,,,@___@

Cik Siti said...

salam..tak boleh pun...dia keluar doodle comel tu tapi bila tekan tade pape..tak boleh shout komen pun..tolong..tolong..

Wan_hazel said...

masukn kod shoutbox dah blom??

~✿Yuhana Shiraen✿~ said...

wan... comel seh doodle ne.. sy amek yea.. :) thnks :)

Anithazlan said...

salam, abng wan nk tnya. kenapa shoutbox tu trus kluar? bila tekan close bru di tutup.

Wan_hazel said...

salam..mesti awak ada guna welkam image kan

Unknown said...

Amek ya :)

Unknown said...

tak pandai nak buat.. tlong .. :'(

Wan_hazel said...

cuba lagi taw

Anonymous said...

abg wan nk share tuto kira credit kat abg :)

Wan_hazel said...

OK silakan

Unknown said...

wan..saya amik ni~ thanks :)

Hambali_AdidasCrazy said...

Thanx wan...sangat membantu!

liyanazahirah said...

thanks wan. suke sgt. siap ade freebies lagi :)

♥ Nur Hazlina Binti Mohd Fisol ♥ said...

Salam, saya minta izin guna :)
semoga dimurahkan rezei..dapat idea yang gempaq2 lagi...^^

deknor said...

salam abg wan..sy minta izin gune ye.. 😊