asah Pengalaman : : : Wadah Madr

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Adobe Lightroom 5 Portable (Free no trial)


Assalamualaikum ...

Jadi sesapa yang nak download Lr5 nie..
Boleh lah download link kat bawah nie.
Semoga semua mendapat manfaat


If you are a person that loves Adobe and wants to report this to DMCA, just know that people who download Acrobat from here are normal people, people who definitely wouldn't buy the whole huge installed Ps for so many money as it costs if it wasn't available here - they would search for another photo editing program, maybe opensource but that surely it's worse than this.  So, let more people enjoy this wonderful program, you'll do a favor to a lot of people, really a lot trust me! More users and less haters for a company is better, isn't it?  Thank you.


32 bit (x86)

64 bit (x64)



luvagie said...
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luvagie said...

ni utk OS mac ke window..or 2 2 leh gune...

Wan_hazel said...

try je..wan guna windows... os tak pasti

Anonymous said...

lightroom ni memang dah tak boleh download erk?