the tag question must be 100% the same
tag people after doing tag
orang-orang kenamaan chewah..
1.BUDDY(memeow) 2.MS.osha 3.fifineni 4.kak anne 5.abg ejal 6.sis atiey 7.kek lapis 8.abg ongon 9.santubonggurl 10.??? do u know 1?
-->owh..aku kenal die dalam satu web nie..web www, aku tu,,hahaha
2.what would u do if u never meet 2?
-->hm,,camnie nak cakap erk,xtawlah..(???)
3.what would u do if 3 n 4 dated u?
-->wah...Seronoknye..lame dah merancang tp xkesampaian,,,faktor masa n tempat menjadi penghalang...ape kan daye,,,
4.would 5 n 6 make a good couple?
-->wah,,mane bleh..sis atiey dah de tayunk nye sendri,,hehehe,,,jgn nak ngade2 erk nak pikat sis atiey..hehehe u think 7 is attractive?
-->i think so..hehehe.. u know anything about 8's family?
-->waaaa...xknal lansung..huhuhuhu
7.tell me something about 9?
-->owh..kak coklat cedap nie sarawak..comel...memang comel.hehehe..suka mamam coklat..hehehe
8.what language does 2 speak?
-->bhasa kebangsaan,,hehehe,,
9.who is 3 going out with?
-->ngn aku kot,,hahahha,,,xtaw,,no komen old is number 4?
-->22 kot..kak anne smbut bday..adoh xtaw plak..umur kakak barbie aku nie pn aku xtaw.adoyai
-->abg ejal blogger da blogger..hehehe
12.Who is 6's favorite singers?
-->manje2..nie suke lagu ape erk,,sis atiey jawab sndrik
-->lucu gak,,slalu chat ngn aku,,hhehehe 8 single?
-->xtaw gak eh,,ase nye xkot..hehehe
15.what's 9 last name?
--> name 1st die siti,hehehe,,tol ke?last name xtaw..
16.would u consider being in a relationship with 1?
-->nak kene jawab ke??xyah lah erk,,nanti ramai yg kcewa..chewah..hehehe
17.which school does 2 go to?
-->wah...xtaw...bnyak nye yg aku xtaw..hehehe
18.what do like about 3?
-->suke die sbab die suke kongsi masalah kat aku,,study smart erk,,jgn men2..hehehe

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