= 2
Have you fell in love this year?
=tahun nie 2009,,,xda eh..2008 ada,,hahaha,,,abaikan
Are you still in love with this person?
=masih p xtauk lah,,abaikan
Have you lost any friends?
= ada eh..hmm...
Have you made new friends?
= ada eh...manyak...
Do you have a crush on someone?.. Did you tell them?
=abaikan jak soalan tok,,hahaha
Do you have any regrets?
= waaaaaa....manyak eh..p yg sgek tok ku xmok ingat gik dah,,tandah jak..abaikan
Do you have something you wish you would have done, but didn't?
= adalah,,,biarlah rahsia..abaikan
Did you become closer with your family?
= aoklah...
Have you changed?.. not just looks, but personally?
= masih kedak dolok,,rambut jak makin pendek,,hahaha
Have you gotten drunk?
=aik cap apek ka...megang botoi yo aku xpernah...nangga ada lah,,hehehe
= darjah enam jak,,coba2 bah...ya pun skali jak
Got in a car accident?
=ada eh...renyok bumper depan kreta ku alu jaik krta ku,,bencik nyawa ku,,,lelahku polah alu pecah nya...kurang asam..boh dikenang gik,,
Done good in school?
=slalu tido time cgu ngajar...tlalu pandei aku tok li,,hahaha,,,
Gone on a trip? .. If so, where?
=hm,,,manyak,,,abaikan jak,
Has something bad happened this year, that you wish you could go back and erase?
= yep...sapa yg tauk may b tauk,,sapa yg x...abaikan jak
Gotten anything new?
= x??minyak rambut..hahaha
Talked to total strangers?
= ada..slalu juak..
Did something good for the community?
= hm,,,xtauk eh..nolong rompak rumah perompak,,hahaha
Did something good for your school?
= wakil koir peringkat kebangsaan,,49taun merdeka lok kat sarawak ya,,dak kmk org juak koir tas pentas ya..hahaha
Joined a new club?
=club apa oo...mun geng2 ada li,,abaikanlah
Wished you could dissapear?
= pake pa jak,,timok
Gotten in a fight?
=hahahha...adalah,,,p kenek tok dah insaf..dolok bergeng ngn penjahat nak,,biasalhmm
Favourite movie this year?
= xda...xtauk ku eh,,,abaikan
Favourite song this year?
=matahari_know no..
Pick a friend, just one.. Write an awesome memory of 2008..?
=eh..boh padah bah,,lak da yg terasa,,bgus sama2 xda..hahaha
Memory with family?
= g ambik ambai kat sambir
Best memory overrall?
=xda li,,,dah kenak clorox memory ku,,ya xingat ya,,tedah ku tek..
New Years resolution?..
= abaikan...
Will you become closer friends with someone? (who?, if you wanna say!)
=smualah,,,jadi kawan ooo...
Will you try harder in school/university?
= mestilah...mun pa gunalah trun study,,
Will you make this year much better than 2008?.. How?
= aok eh...mestilah mok,,,brubah gik kata org...buang yg keruh ambik yg jernih...bena ndak..??
What have you LIKED about 2008?..
= nak pa jak disuka ooo..abaikan
What have you DISLIKED about 2008?..
= lak lejuk ktk org baca lak,,boh jak
Are you glad 2008 is over.. Honestly?
=yes...tp aku aku rasa,xda guna juak 2009 muncul,,tp 2008 ya bgus juak dah pergi eh...

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