Madrasah Pengalaman : : : Wadah

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tutorial back to top with cute button_ada empat warna


Salam korang...

Kali nie Wan nak wat Tutorial back to top buton lak...Ramai sebenarnya yang dah wat nie..Oleh kerna ada permintaan untuk tutorial nie so Wan watlah..Wan tak guna back to top button nie koz Wan guna Home icon je..leh tengok kat tutorial nie..Tutorial nak wat HOME icon untuk blog korang..Korang leh lah pilih nak guna yang mana satu..Dua dua pun ok..Law yang entri dalam satu page tu ade banyak leh lah guna back to top button nie..Sebaliknya lak untuk Home icon..hehehe.

So apa tunggu lagi..

Jum tutorial..

Mula mula korang ke...

Dashsboard>design>Add gadget>HTML

Korang Copy kod bawah nie and paste kat Gadget HTML korang.Korang pilihlah nak guna warna yang mana satu k..

<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Top"><img src=""
width="40" height="70" /></a>

<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Top"><img src=""
width="40" height="70" /></a>

<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Top"><img src=""
width="40" height="70" /></a>

<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Top"><img src=""
width="40" height="70" /></a>

Ok tu je..

Selamat mencuba



Sa said...

Wann , kite ambik yg pinkk , Hihih , Ehh , free kann ? Hehe , lagisatu , yg kod untuk shout box tu adaa ? Hihih ;)

Falling . said...

wahhh nk curik la nti..

tp line slOw..
besOk sy curik 1 ye ;p

Wan_hazel said...


kod utk ajax shout macm wan nie ke?? ad eje..cari tutorial ajax float shoutbox

Wan_hazel said...


ehehhe..ok2..nanti curi k

lisa min said...

ok dah amek dah..thanx =)

.:|kamaryeah|:. said...

cute yg teramat sgt~

Asma Ahmad said...

yeay!! da mek yg kler pple. TQ! :)

Anonymous said...

teddy amek yg first tuhh ! :D

heysyaza said...

wan,syza da curik kaler biru punye..thnks :)

Anonymous said...

wahhh !!1 cute :) sye nk satu

Yanaa said...

ehheee..dh amek dh satu..yg purple tuu lawa...thanxs..=))

miss Fyqa said...

ambik yg biru tue. suke2.

tenkiu.. hehe

Wan_hazel said...

lisa min


Wan_hazel said...



Wan_hazel said...

Asma Ahmad

Wan_hazel said...


ok boleh je...

Wan_hazel said...


curi je..wan halalkan..hahaha...peace

Wan_hazel said...



Wan_hazel said...


welkam..n terima kasih

Wan_hazel said...

miss Fyqa


hoyahadis said...

warne hijau takde..(~_~)

Wan_hazel said...

hijau tak de lak..ehehhe

Yana Sakura said...

yana amik satu tau wan...
yg purple tuh sbb mnat purple..hee..
thanks wan :)
cntik sgt..

Wan_hazel said...


ok yana..ehehhe..

Faten Ahmad said...

thanx yea. sy amik yg kaler biru.. hehe

Wan_hazel said...


Nini Fitri said...

waaa suka2..nini ambik warne oren..thanksQ

Wan_hazel said...


nabila najwa said...

thanx tw..
sy amek y wna pink..^_^

Anonymous said...

wan.ila ambik stu icon top button tu eyh..

Wan_hazel said...



atyn nayn said...

wan, atyn amek wane biru 1. 1 je tak banyak pon. hehe. thanks oke :)

Wan_hazel said...


Anonymous said...

Saya ambil yg warna pink tu bleh?

Wan_hazel said...

ok..boleh je

Anonymous said...

saya amek satu ehh . :)

Wan_hazel said...

ok boleh je..ehehhe

Syafiq Shalehudin said...

amek 1..thanx..=)

Atia Qistina said...

wan..amek 1 eyh..thanx

Wan_hazel said...

ok ok..ehhe

jasz zulkefli said...

satu ea!

Wan_hazel said...


||aLeaSaRa|| said...

ngeeee akak lagi ni!tq ye 4 this cute button.akak ambil yg purple tu tau!!!

Wan_hazel said...

hehehe..boleh je...

Dyana Insyirah said...

ambil satu =) hehe

Wan_hazel said...

ok..boleh je..ehehhue

Maizun Muhaiedin said...

ambil 1 ye:)

Wan_hazel said...


cik Kura said...

sy dah ambil 1 yg biru 2...tq tau...rasa cute sgt :)

amira said...

mira amek warne pink tu taw :)

نورعيم said...

sy ambil 1, thanks ye :)

Ummi Hanie said...

thanx wan .. akk da amek yg pink tu .. ;) cer tengok cer tgk ;)

Windflower said...

saya ambik satu.. ^_^

Anonymous said...

comel la wane pink tu . ambek neh ? :)

Wan_hazel said...

ok boleh je

Sharifah Aisyaton Al-Sagoff said...

wow!!!very nice..tQ!

MukhlisRazali said...

klau nk buat besar sikit mcm mne???kecik sgt argh...

Wan_hazel said...

ubha width="40" height="70" tu k..hehehe

prof.dr.fatin said...

thanks again abg wan..
fatin amek ea.. cute top tuh.. :)

Anonymous said... amik satu ok :) tq wan

H I said...

saya ambil 1, pink! thank you. :)

Erin Omeyy :) said...

OMG !! Comel Comel Comel :) Erin Ambil satu yee ;) Thanks :)

Nana said...

saya ambik yg pink..thank yaww

fieyzha said...

wan... xda nak kaler purple kha?? hurmm...

Wan_hazel said...

heheh.tak d elak

hunny bee xD said...

hani ambik yg pink punya boleh x??

Unknown said...

heyy..curi 1 ye.. warna pink.. hehe ^_^

macehh byk2..

Unknown said...

sy bru je jmpe blog ni.. cntikkkk sgtt..... btw, sy amik 1 ye.. tq :)

Myss Ammi said...

salam , wan . cuteeee sangatt . ambik yg purple tu taw . peaceee

Unknown said...

salam :) anis amik kaler pink tu , thanks :D