Wadah Madrasah Pengalaman: Friendly blogger of the month (dari kak Fina) sangat terharu

Monday, August 30, 2010

Friendly blogger of the month (dari kak Fina) sangat terharu


WM kak fina

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line Pictures, Images and Photos

Friendly blogger of the month
(Dari Kak Fina)

Today, i felt like going to reward someone. I dont have any like a reward banner or what, i'm really stuck at doing that. I just want to say thank you and keep writing. Hwaiting! This award is dedicated to:


purple-green dot Pictures, Images and Photos Firstly thank you for being such a nice blogger. He is someone who will reply any question u asked him whether he knows the answer or not.

purple-green dot Pictures, Images and  Photos A very kind young man. I asked him to design a watermark for me and he did that without demanding anything and is done absolutely fast. (actually i'm just kidding asking him that, but now look, the watermark has become my header)

purple-green dot Pictures, Images and  Photos I love his site. He always change the look of his blog, maybe because he wanted to cheer up the visitors, so that they wont feel bored looking at it.

purple-green dot Pictures, Images and  Photos He puts shoutbox mix on his blog and i believe he replied to each and everyone who dropped by (some bloggers dont even put shoutbox because they are so called probloggers and dont need them)

purple-green dot Pictures, Images and  Photos Very polite. You will notice them if u read his entries

purple-green dot Pictures, Images and  Photos Wan Hazel, u worth being my blogger friend

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Wan dapat nie dari Kak Fina...Memang tak caye je..Terharu lah..1st time dapat yang camnie...Slalu nye orang kasi award ...Kasi Award tu semua orang boleh dapat..Tapi yang dari Kak Fina nie special je..Untuk Wan sorang je...Memang memang sangat terharu lah...Susah nak cakap...

Tengs Kak Fina...Walaupun Kak Fina Jarang Blogwalking Ingat gak Kak Fina kat Wan erk...amat amat Wan hargai...



CIK TOM said...

wan memang layak dapat award ni..memang peramah dan tak kedekut ilmu :)

Wan_hazel said...

Tomato Gurl's Life

hehehehe..tengs cik tom....ilmu kan utk dikongsi....

qistynacorner said...

aah betul tu, sesapa je tanyer mesti wan reply kan... [melaenkan wan ade klas, tp pehtu wan qada balek] :)

SELAMAT HR MERDEKA WAN.... erkkk ade kena mgena ker :P

pssttt, akk pown dpt adiah dr wan :)

Hime said...

thnks jugak utk wan.hehe
just keep on being urself :)
good luck

tiafazunia said...

mmg layak wan! :)

annazanariah said...

wan, mmg semua apa yg kak fina cakap tu sgt tepat.. best dapat kenal n kawan dgn wan... keep it up bro.. :)

AiHika said...

ambik award http://clickhereifyouwant.blogspot.com/2010/08/friendly-blogger-award-tag-from.html

Wan_hazel said...


hehehe...tengs kak..

Wan_hazel said...


tengs...gud luck 2

Wan_hazel said...


hehehe....tengs tengs tengs

Wan_hazel said...


wan pun bez dapat kawan ngan semua

Wan_hazel said...

نورول فاتيحه

ok..tengs taw

Wan_hazel said...


hehehe...tengs caca,,,