Mngharapkan kegembiaraan&kebahagiaan,
Tp knpe msti ade dugaannye??
Bkn xbrsyukur dgn kurniaan tuhan,
Tp dlm stiap kegembiraan,
Knpe msti ade saat yg mengguris perasaan??
Dalam hdp,pasti stiap manusia ada harapan,
Tp kenpe kadang2 harapan itu kian pudar,
Walaupn kita dah stgh mati berusaha mdptkan nya???
Ape aku nk tlis kat entry aku kali nie,xtaw plak,xbrpe nk shat.geram nye aku.bla lh aku nk shat sepenuhnye.mlm nie kot.kan nk thun bru.chewah.hehehe.kali nie aku nk merepek je kat entry aku kali nie.pnutup wktu mula,thun 2008.
(mun tak dgr xmungkin org lain snyum)hm,ape erk aku nk tls utk laz bg taun 2008 nie.xtlntas nk tls,slmt tggl 2008.2 je kot.
Tu je lh erk.
So this is how it goes,
Well i,
I would have never known,
And if it ends todays,
Well i'll still say,
That u shone brigther than anyone,
Well this is not ur fault,
But if i'm without u,
Then i will feel so small,
And if u have 2 go,
If u run away now,
Will u come back around?
And if u run away,
I still wave gd bye,
Watching u shine bright,
Now i think,
We're taking this 2 far,
Dont u know,
That its not this hard?
Hazel terdiam tatkala mbca tulisan diwarkahmu...

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