kak Danya yang tags aku...
Here are the rules :
-List these rules on your blog.
-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
-Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to
their blogs.
-Link the person who tagged you.
~Leave a comment for each blogger.what is the purpose for tagging people this
time, is only to know exactly who are my frens ..hehe
Rules Untuk Blog aku ni senang ajer...
☻ Aku ta ksuke orang wat iklan kat blog aku,hehehe
☻ aku tak suke orang kutuk blog aku tanpa nama..kalau nak tok sah selindung
selindung ma..
☻ jangan lupe tinggalkan link korang..mudah untuk aku jenguk blog korang
gak,,(kat CBOX)
2Nd Task..
1. peramah kot..hahaa
2. tak pernah nak betul..
3. simple
4. lucu kot
5. online dimana sahaja ada rangkaian..heheheh
6. banyak sangat soalan aku suke tanye
7. suke berkawan...tol tak kak Danya,,,akak yang tags aku..
3rd task
☺ ☺ no komen,,eceh ☺ ☺
7 Org yg aku nak TAG:-
xtaw nak tags sape...hehehe..sape yang nak jawab lah erk,,,
Here are the rules :
-List these rules on your blog.
-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
-Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to
their blogs.
-Link the person who tagged you.
~Leave a comment for each blogger.what is the purpose for tagging people this
time, is only to know exactly who are my frens ..hehe
Rules Untuk Blog aku ni senang ajer...
☻ Aku ta ksuke orang wat iklan kat blog aku,hehehe
☻ aku tak suke orang kutuk blog aku tanpa nama..kalau nak tok sah selindung
selindung ma..
☻ jangan lupe tinggalkan link korang..mudah untuk aku jenguk blog korang
gak,,(kat CBOX)
2Nd Task..
1. peramah kot..hahaa
2. tak pernah nak betul..
3. simple
4. lucu kot
5. online dimana sahaja ada rangkaian..heheheh
6. banyak sangat soalan aku suke tanye
7. suke berkawan...tol tak kak Danya,,,akak yang tags aku..
3rd task
☺ ☺ no komen,,eceh ☺ ☺
7 Org yg aku nak TAG:-
xtaw nak tags sape...hehehe..sape yang nak jawab lah erk,,,
Nie link

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