rasah Pengalaman : : : Wadah Mad

Monday, October 25, 2010

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Portable


Ok hari nie Wan kasi korang link untu download CS3 Portable..P0rtable sebab tak yah install korang Download dan extract dah leh guna..

Law korang nak Download..Klik je Button bawah nie k

Download Pictures, Images and Photos

Korang terus ke page 4Shared..lepas tu korang klik lah Muat Turun...Macam kat anak panah dalam gambar kat bawah nie..

OK yang nie protable nye CS3...Korang leh guna tanpa install.. Mula mula korang EXTRACT file dan pindah kan ke local disk C > Program file lepas tu korang wat lah shortcut "photoshop.exe" ke desktop korang k.open dan bleh guna dah...

Ok tu je


Kemungkinan pautan untuk memuat turun applikasi ini di 4shared tergendala atau telah disekat.. Sebagai langkah kedua disini ada pautan untuk applikasi di pautan yang lain. 
(maaf atas ralat yang terjadi)

Sila kepautan ini



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ucu rose said...

wan..terima ksih tow..ida ngh dowlod niiii...

NIA said...


Farihin Hadi said...

thanx wan :)

Wan_hazel said...

welkam all

Anonymous said...

tempoh penggunaan dia berapa hari pula eh ? :D

Wan_hazel said...


tak de tempoh pnggunaan pun..bleh gune terus

Anonymous said...

oh yeke ? ok ok , thanks ye wan :D

Wan_hazel said...

a ah...welkam..peace

amalinaidriss said...

thanks wan :)

Wan_hazel said...

wild child !


Unknown said...

pu3 ngah download ps nie...pape pown.thx ye wan..
wan..u're d best ar..

Wan_hazel said...


Unknown said...

ala..wan...pu3 da download but pas da bukak..tamaw la.aduh..awatnye tah la ngn lptp nie..

Wan_hazel said...


erk nape tak leh???

ieykaa said...

Wan yg adobe cs 3 niee same kea dgn yg cs tuu ?

Wan_hazel said...


tak same..yg nie lagi ok...tp tool2 semua same.

Shaza Najwa said...

dh blh dh...

Wan_hazel said...


ieykaa said...

Ouhh okay , ehh act an ieyka da dwnload auw then da send dkat compressed zipped folder tuu sbb nk extract kn , then bila da extract dia , da ikot instructions yg wan bagi tapi still tk bole ? dia ade kluar internet explorer punye then dye ade ckp open save atau cancel , cmne aa ?

Wan_hazel said...


cube try open save leh tak...

ieykaa said...

da tekan da then ieyka save kt desktop bile bukak dia tulis ' the version of this file is not compatible with the version of windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86(32-bit) or x64(64-bit) version of the program , and then contact the software publisher' err ape aa prob dia ?

Wan_hazel said...

owh..ieyka..ieyka tak leh gune adobe CS3..ieykaa gune yg CS je k..nie link nye


ieykaa said...

Yang tuu pown ieyka da dwnld act then still same jgak dia takde kluar folder yang setup tuu ?

Wan_hazel said...

ieyka...septutnye ade taw..memang tak de ke file yg tulis setup??

ieykaa said...

Yupp takde , first ieyka extarct then bila da bukak folder yg kite da extract dia takde pown folder yang setup tuu and dlam dia just ade internet explorer , bile tekan jea dia ade suro tekan 'open , save ' atau cancel .Sorry if susahkan wan , seriously ieyka nak gilaa photoshop niee sbb sblom niee ieyka pena gak search cuma tkot nk dwnld if ade virus kea kn tuu yg ikot web yg wan bg :)

Wan_hazel said...

ieykaa..ieyka gune windows ape???

ieykaa said...

windows 7 , knape ?

Wan_hazel said...

law wndows 7..mesti CS3 boleh..nape lak tak leh erk..

ieykaa said...

Ntah laa , okay laa tkpe , if tk bole dwnld ieyka beli cd punya jea hehe . Thanks btw :)

Wan_hazel said...

ok ieykaa..maaf tak leh tolong

Ayuni said...

Slm. Bro wan, kite dah pindah file ni ke local disk (C:) ke program files, then test bukak, still windows tak ley bukak.

Wan_hazel said...


eh..maksudnye camne erk???

Ayuni said...

hmm, kiter ni tak la pndai sgt bab bende ni, just nk try nie. sblum tu, nak extract file uw kena send kt comprsessed(zipped) folder erk?

Wan_hazel said...

open camtu je..bleh je kan..

Ayuni said...

kirenyer, drpd folder download uw, kite terus open jerr?

Wan_hazel said...

a ah ayuni..terus je open

Ayuni said...

tp, nnt kluar windos can't open this file.

Wan_hazel said...

ayuni...plek2...nape lak jadi camtu....try klik kanan and klik propties and yag kat open with tu change tu WinRAR archiver..

Ayuni said...

da tekan open with tu, but tak de la WinRaR archiver.

Wan_hazel said...

yg tu kene ubah taw..cari je...mesti ade ...

Ayuni said...

ok2, try esok. anyway thanks bro wan hazel. follow u :)

Wan_hazel said...

ok ayuni...maaf sesangat law wan tak leh tolong

Unknown said...

sory lmbt bls..tah la wan nape taley bkk

Wan_hazel said...

wan pun tak taw gak pu3

Ayuni said...

bro wan. smlm buat dekat netbook memang windows tak ley bukak, sekali hari ni, buat dkt laptop plak, ade prob jgk. laptop ibu nie, tak ade winRaR license.

Wan_hazel said...

alahai...tak de winrar lak..try open camtu je leh tak???

Ayuni said...

huh, tape2. da download trial winrar, and skrg ni nk download balik photoshop uww. sorry, mnyusahkan bro wan jerr. :)

Wan_hazel said...

tak de lah mnyusahkan ayuni...biase je..slgi wna leh tolong

Ayuni said...

bro wan ! da berjaya buat ! thnks sgt ade tuto ni, klo tak msti kne bli cd nyer.. :)

Wan_hazel said...


welkam ayuni,,Alhamdullillah dah dapat....hehehe

wawa said...

wan, xpat bukak eh... :(( gne tok.?

dh extract, then pindah ke program file nak?

Wan_hazel said...

xlah pindah pun xpa..trus bukak jak..xpat ka???

Unknown said...

owh. dh try juak xpyh pindah. xpat juak. nya juz kelip sekali jak.. double click gk, sama juak..

Wan_hazel said...

ktk pakey windows apa oo??try adobe Cs leh x???

wawa said...

vista~ hehe. :)
tgh mendonlod la tok.
adobe d pake nektok adobe kuno (hehe), adobe 7.0.

Wan_hazel said...

ok2..hehehe..mun xpat padah gik k

run aziluz said...

tak boleh T_____T

Wan_hazel said...

nape tak leh???

umie said...

tenz cikgu wan

Wan_hazel said...



jayne said...

wan, makseh sbb sudi share software tok. mengarey dah mek carik sbb lappy mek bok format. nok lamak x sempat back up. ada sikit info nak share ngan korang yang tak dpt buka cs3 ni in first place. sbb sy memula tak dpt run juga. korang try right click and click run as administrator. sy sekarang tgh mengedit gambar dengan gumbiranya ^^.. mun jumpa ktk lak wan, kompom mek blanja ktk makan. hehe..

Wan_hazel said...


wah..blanja makan ya..mun camtok nang sengaja mek carik tempat nak slalu dilepak ktk ya..eheheh

jayne said...

bahh... carik jak mun dpt. hehe.. carik jak d pasar kuching nun. ado jak muka kmk lepak2 cya makan eskrim kat waterfront. hahah..

Wan_hazel said...

hahhaa..lak mun ktk nengok kmk lak boh lari..ehhehe

DylaOuhLalaa said...

wan, dyla pon x buley laaa.. knp erk?
bile open die ckp "Unexpected end of archive"

Wan_hazel said...


dari jayne..

ada sikit info nak share ngan korang yang tak dpt buka cs3 ni in first place. sbb sy memula tak dpt run juga. korang try right click and click run as administrator. sy sekarang tgh mengedit gambar dengan gumbiranya ^^..

jayne said...

mun ktk x kejar mek, xda mek lari oww. hehe.. :P

Wan_hazel said...

hahaha..mena wak ooo

mumu said...

wan , knpe ek bile ummu bukak jea Adobe nih , pastuh kuar " Adobe Reader could not open 'CS3 Ext.Lite.rar' because it is either not a supported file or because the file has been damaged. "

Wan_hazel said...


mungkin windows ^ummu^ tak support..guna windows ape??

mumu said...

windows 7 ..

Wan_hazel said...


law windows7 boleh je..tak de masalh nak gne nie...try skali lagi k..

Anonymous said...

knp i download xbleh??

Wan_hazel said...

erk..nape lak tak bleh???

Mahirararara said...

tenkiu tenkiu :D

Wan_hazel said...

welkam welkam...

Ana Amalina said...

hai wan..tq 4 share dis software..
ssh jgk nk wat mla2 ni..yela,bru ja join blog ni..dh hmpir pts asa dh sbb xdpt nk bkak..comment2 kat ats ni pun byk mbntu sy nk mcm mna nk wat spya leh bkak..kalo x sy pun mmg xtau nk wat mcm mna..alhamdulillah skrg dh dpt bkak...

Wan_hazel said...

miSs bLueBerry

waaa..taniah..jgn cepat ptus asa..ehehehe

Hudariffin said...

Wan, camne ek? I dah download dah semua en siap extract dah. Tp bila nak bukak takleh. Bila kita klik, dia bukak sekejap then tutup. Kenapaa entah -______-

Hudariffin said...

Eh okay, Done. Thanks wan :D

Wan_hazel said...

huda :)


emichi said...

kenapa dh dpt buka tp ttp balik

Wan_hazel said...

erm..mungkin lappy tak sesuai kod..try restart k

emichi said...

masih x dpt...

Wan_hazel said...

eh...nape lak..lappy emi tak ngam kot dengan adobe..

emichi(ichijoujizero) said...

Xdapat nak extract kat program files... dia kata the path not specified....

Wan_hazel said...

nape camtu??winzip..dapt tak??

Emichi♪ said...

Dapat...extract tmpat lain bole but extract kat program files je x dpt...

Wan_hazel said...


extarct kat program file???erk..utk ape??

cpfiqa said...

haih. fiqa dh 3 kali buat ni. npe lah tak boleh nk open ni. hehe. fed upjugk klw x mnjdi je kan. hihi. fiqa try buat dkt comp. kejap ea..

Wan_hazel said...

Fieqa Afieqa

fiqa..lepas extract open je..law tak leh open..klik kanan n run k

Nurin Hannani said...

dah jadi ! thanks ! :D

Amirah Najihah said...

Terima Kasih Daun Keladi :)

Wan_hazel said...

sama sama mee maggi..hehehe

Anonymous said...

wan. saye pkai window xp.
saye dah try masuk 5 kali.
restart everything.
ape sume. detect virus sume clean..
still x dapat gak. yg bebulu sgt tuh. tunggu 3-4 jam gak la nk abeh donlod tu.. pastu elok dah finish. x leh bukak. menyirap betul. hehe..

tapi kan. die kuar icon bentok window yg ade corak merah biru dlm window tuh..

kalo icon tu kire betol menjadi ke atau mmg pc problem?

Anonymous said...

sorry wan. saye yg komen wan semalam tuh.. akhirnya jadi jugak donwload ni..

the main prob is untuk sape yg pkai window xp or vista yg ade problem ekstract file tuh, korang kne download dlu dr software wan. abeh download, copy file yg kite dah abeh download tuh then terpaksa la korang copy paste masuk pendrive dan ekstract kt lappy or pc laen.

then dah abeh, bru la korang bleh copy paste folder CS3 tuh masuk dlm pc or lappy korang balek..

just nk share solution dari ape yg saya blaja.. hehe..

btw, thanks wan. :D

Wan_hazel said...


tengs taw info nie..bguna utk blogger lain

purplesweetlove said...

aie...knak dah kmk download ya, nya open k media player? bkali2 kmk cuba dowload.

Wan_hazel said...


eh pelik juak ooo...kenak nya jadi camya eh...

purplesweetlove said...

xtauk juak. give up dah kmk. dah hbs kmk download, nya bkn dlm bentuk folder. tp dibuka k media player.

Wan_hazel said...


ktk mesti extract lok k..

purplesweetlove said...

gney mok extract? kmk right klik, xda pkataan extract. nya dlm bentuk media player.

purplesweetlove said...

dapat dah...tq wan.

Wan_hazel said...


dapat dah...welkam tak..ehehhe..enjoy edit

Nana said...

wan seyes ntah brapa kali dh try downlod benda ne tp xpernah manjadi. sekali download yg ini dapat pulak. tq wan!

Wan_hazel said...

waaa...taniah..ehehhe....tepuk tanagn sikit..heehe

Izzah 'Atirah said...

hey there ! dah cube , tapi still tak dapat bile nak extraxt files . bile tekan Program files(x86 tuh , files AIMP tak kelua pon . cane nak buad ?

cepuah said...

x nk jadii.. dh bwt shortcut.. pstu.. dyer dh elok keluar photoshop pstu dyer tutup ngan sendirinya.. cemane ni?

Wan_hazel said...

Tya Atirah

dah extrack klik je icon tu..leh tak??law tak try klik kanan n run k

Wan_hazel said...


ok..try nie k...klik kanan n run k

Unknown said...

abang wan, dh bnyk kli download but x boleh.. bile nk extract file je nnti keluar Winrar Diagnostic Message.. nak tnye, untuk download abobe portable nie x yah gne winrar ke?

Wan_hazel said...


asalkan leh extract...mesti extract taw..law tak ..tak leh guna

Asyila Zainuddin said...

wahh.. dh lama cari ni tak jumpe2.. last2 jumpe kt sini.. thx ek!

Wan_hazel said...

Asyila Zainuddin


Sya said...

abg wan,lps tkn download tu,sy pilih open.then,lps download,ade dua file dekat winRAR.sy tekan adobephotoshop.sy jumpa photoshop.exe.lps tu sy tekan "photoshop.exe" tu.lps tu,berlaku proses apa sy tak tahu.hehe.lps tu dia terus open photoshop. persoalannya,macam mana nak pindahkan adobe ni ke local disk'c >program files?nak tekan ape?hehe.mohon tunjuk ajar abang wan. :)

Sya said...

abg wan,dah jadi...hehe :D
terima kasih... :)

Wan_hazel said...


welkam..eheheh.selamat mngodek adobe

qursy ♥ said...

wan . saya punya jadi macam SYA tu laa .. nak pilih yg mana ekk bila ada dua file .
1. (..)
2. (adobe_photoshop)
kalow clik nobe 2 tu . nati kuar mcm2 . nak pilih yang mana ehh???

Wan_hazel said...

pilih yang ade .exe tu..klik je..nanti akan open...

SN said...

tak jadik laa , dah banyak kali try , tak leh ,

Wan_hazel said...

tak jadi??maksudnye dah download lom??

Nurul Afiqah ♥ said...

nak tnye , bile kite dh tekan muat turun then dye tukar kea website lain , pastu nak tekan ape yea ?

Wan_hazel said...

a ah...di ag page 4shared..lepas t u klik je muat turun ..lepas tu akan tggu saat...

ZatyAnuar said...

thank abg wan , da menjadi . komen kat atas2 ni pon membantu . thank bebanyak ye :)

Wan_hazel said...

zAty =)

welkam..camnie lah..godek2 komen org lepas tu leh lah dapat info kan..gud job

Shifa Anuar said...

abg wan , shifa da dah bole download . tpy kan , if shifa bukak . dye loading nk bukak then kluar balik . nape eh ?

Wan_hazel said...

Shifa Anuar

ok shifa try klik kanan and run k

Erfan said...

thanx la bro!
mule2 ta bole bile da
run as administor baru bole!

Wan_hazel said...

welkam bro..leh lah godek2 adobe pasnie..ehehe

Park Min Rin said...

weee~~~ i like i like.. terima kasih wan.. :D

Wan_hazel said...


Kiera Rashid said...

tengs sebab bantu saye . terbaekk !! ^^
blogger yang bek hati . respect kat abang wan . tq sesangat :)

Wan_hazel said...

welkam...yg baik tu untuk dikongsi..

Aliah Haziqah ♥ said...

Wan Nak Extract File Tu Kat Mana?

Wan_hazel said...

klik kanan n extract law tak leh tgk utube

ainnur shahirah said...

abg wan . .
tak leh pon nak extract file. . .
benci tau . .
da bnyak kli wat . . .
tapi dikeluar cam nie. .

windows cannot find'e:\winRAR.exe.'make sure you typed the name correctly,and then try again.

dye tlis cam tu . .
hope abg wan bole tlong. . .

Wan_hazel said...

fyfy ieyra

makne nye laptop awak tak de winrar..install dulu winrar k...download winrar...

*heartifilia said...

abang wan . fira dah download , dah extract file ,semua tuhh dah settle . then time dekat local disk (c) tuhh fira TERopen with Notepad pastu dia transform type jadi 'DLL File' nak tukar balik tak taw . tolong boleh ?

Wan_hazel said...


wah....camne tu...ape yg fira tukarkan tu??file adobe ke ape erk??

min said...

thanks wan :)

Wan_hazel said...


izzati hamid said...

kenapa pas extract , dye takley open ea ??? alaaaa :(

Wan_hazel said...

tak leh open..try klik kanan n run k

Shima_Hashim said...

Alhmdullh..boleh pn download akhirnye..mle2 try gne photoshopCS..xleh..da try cm2 cre pn xleh..lps tu try lak download yg nie...akhirnye brjye gak..thanx bb bg tutorial nie..:)

Wan_hazel said...


welkam..selamat mnggodek adobe..ehehe

ae.en.ai.em said...

how to extract file ?

Wan_hazel said...

tgk kat utube k...

Wan_hazel said...


viviani said...

abang wan napeh dahh download and dah extract file bile nakk bukak takk dapat :(

Wan_hazel said...

try klik kanan n run k..

Timah Naailah said...

abang wan.....
dh download,,extract file,dah local disk c>>program file.............tapi xjumpa prkataan "photoshop.exe" punn..!!!
blurr nii..!!!

Wan_hazel said...

aik..pelik nie plik...

Freak. said...

part yg nak extract file tu xreti :( macam mane nk extrack. ajarkn bole x abg?

Timah Naailah said...

pelik x pelik...
kenba tlongg nii..!!!
xreti nak bkk adobe tuu..!!!

Wan_hazel said...


kat dalam tu mesti ade...kalau tak de cari je yg ade adobe..

Wan_hazel said...


try tgk kat utube taw

Freak. said...

Thank you! da boleh gune da pon! :)

Wan_hazel said...

hehehe..welkam..lepas nie leh lah edit gambar kan

era said...

salam, wan
nak tanya laa.
kan da download. pastu kna exract twoz pndahkn ke locldisk c>program files>adobe 2 kaa????

era said...

salam, wan
nak tanya laa.
kan da download. pastu kna exract twoz pndahkn ke locldisk c>program files>adobe 2 kaa????

Wan_hazel said...

tak yah pindahkn pun tak pe kalau nak...leh save dalam pndrive

Anonymous said...

thnks akak . berjaya uploaded . :)

Wan_hazel said...


Anonymous said...

share link nih , keyh :)

Wan_hazel said...

ok rina

Ashraffunnur Umairah said...


Wan_hazel said...


Leo said...

abg wan, saye da download habid.. tapi bile na extract tuh, dea kuar WinRar diagnostic massage.. then, ta leh na extract. cmne eh ?

Wan_hazel said...

winrar trial ke???leh je kalau extract guna winrar tu

NurSya said...

wan google chrome could not connect to www.4shared.com/­file/­ZrYzLLDt/­Adobe_Photoshop_­CS3_Portable_w.­html
cane nii ? ;( wan tolong saye. thank you.

Wan_hazel said...


tak connect guna lah mozilla..ehehhe

Epalynda said...

try download . . boleh . . thnx . . lame da cari benda nie . . heee

elly said...

wan sy dh download...tp download 2 kuar file word...cm nerea nk wat x pham lah...please help me

Wan_hazel said...

word???pelik nie...try extract dpt tak??

syafiq arifin said...

npe dh donload tp xleyh bkk..???bnyak sgt yg error

Wan_hazel said...

dah extract??

Aziha Ismail said...

salam.....abg tq sgt2 sbnrnye dah lame duk cari adobe photoshop skrg baru boley guna....lau dulu jumpa blog abg kan senang...tapi xperw la dah boley guna skrg...hehehe..tq again...

Wan_hazel said...

salam...hehehe..welkam...selamat mencuba taw..

azie said...

tq for this tutorial...:)

Wan_hazel said...


Zaimin said...

dah download smua, bila try bukak, dia cakap the specific module cannot be found. cmne nih? mintak tolong

Liyy's said...

nak download ni kene bayar ke .Takde yang free punye?

Wan_hazel said...

tajuk pun dah tulis portable...mestilah free bro..hehehhe..peace

Wan_hazel said...


dah extract blum??

Niel said...

yeahhh.dah bole download=)

Zaimin said...

thx bro 4 this tuto! dah boleh. :)

Umi Mashitah said...

mak aai lambatnye nak download...:D

Umi Mashitah said...

nak tanyew....sy dh download then kena wat pew skunk?????

bella :) said...

wan, dy ada mnx serial number la ,
cmna nh ?

Wan_hazel said...

aih..nape portable minta serial key..???pelik

Wan_hazel said...

Cute Mashitah

baca tutorial k...ade je kat tutorial...cara guna adobe ni pun ade..extract dulu folder tu..lepas tu open...baca tuto..

bella :) said...

a'aa la,,
poetable cs3
dy ada bg 2 plhn,
1-serial key
2-trial 30day

abh tuu nk plh yg na ?

Wan_hazel said...

cik mashimaro kenek

download dr Wan punya ke??

bella :) said...

yela ,,
lps dowmload tuu
dy ada 4 flder ,,
last flder tu bila bkak dh ada photoshop uhh,
bla dh klik dy mnx serial n trial uhh

Wan_hazel said...

pelik..kalau yg portable mana de mintak serial key ape semua..ke pernah install cs3 dlm laptop

bella :) said...

a'aa pnh install tp yg tu xleh guna , ,

Wan_hazel said...

sebab tu lah kot...tak remove betul2

bella :) said...

uhuks , xpela bella guna yg trial dulu la ,
low ajn , dunlod len , ,
tengs abg wan :)

Ed said...

dah download , tapi app tu takde pon.

Unknown said...

terima kasih Wan . Qyla da berjaya guna :)

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