kat bawah nie Wan senaraikan tips yang ada dalam Video kat atas tu...
1.UV filters are a complete waste of time
2.Lens hood aren't a necessity
3.If you're not using the Hood put it away
4.Dont treat your DSLR like it's your baby
5.Stop hating on others
6.Get cheap lens caps
7.Pack light
8.Use a zoom for convenience
9.Prime will make you think more
10.35mm is the most practical one lens setup
11.But 50mm just looks better
12.Better camera doesn't make better photos
13.Know how your camera works before going out to shoot
14.Always be ready for the shot
15."P" mode isn't just for beginners
16.Bump the ISO up if needed
17.Auto ISO is your best friend
18.Rely on rule of thirds
19.Take lots of shots
20.Don't take photos of any old shit
21.If your picture isn't good enough you're not close enough -Robert Capa-
22.Comtemplate your shot
23.The best equipment doesn't help if yo're not standing in the best spot
24.Sharpness is overrated
25.Concept is king
26.Don't look like a wrong 'un
27.Don't DRINK and Shoot **
28.Do it when you're full of energy
29.Sometimes it feels great to wake up really early
30.Think about what light you want
31.Emulate some of the style of the greats to get you started
32.But don't keep doing it
33.Photography is as much a reflection of the person taking the photo
34.Shoot to please no one apart from yourself
35.Discreet or direct-It isn't all that important
36.Setting themes keeps you focused
37.Change every once in a while to keep things fresh
38.Everyone has creative blocks
39.Be critical of yourself
40.Seeing is not enough, you have to feel what you photograph -Andre Kertesz-
41.You need to be there with a camera
42.The relationship is about you and the subject not you and the camera
43.Stop chimping
44.Be brutal when it come to deleting awful photos
45.Show only your best
46.Changing photo to B&W doesn't make an uninteresting shot interesting
47.Look at other people's work
48.Post your work online let people critique your work
49.There is no easy way
Ok tu je...Tengok Video atas tu k..Best sebab lucu dan bermanfaat .. Ambik apa yang penting taw..Ada jugak sesetengah tips tu Wan tak guna pun..ahahhaa..
kat bawah nie tempat yang Wna banyak dapat idea dan pengalaman dari melihat dan memerhati..
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WOF DSLR1H1F (Blog penuh gambar gambar yang hebat hebat dari otai otai gambar Wan pun ada)
ok tu je.
Kalau entri kali nie berguna like dan klik lah button Donate..terima kasih
P/S: jangan bazirkan masa online anda..Kenapa tak mencuba ..Tak bayar pun.
--Testing Wan klik jika sudi--------
Entri best minggu ini : Churp Churp dah Nuffnang dah kini lak

bro, ada tips tak untuk beli kamera yang bagus? hehe kasi tau range harga sekali ke kalau boleh.
thanksss ;)
bro, ada tips tak untuk beli kamera yang bagus? hehe kasi tau range harga sekali ke kalau boleh.
thanksss ;)
tips beli kamera ialah tgk brand apa member kita dari situ kita boleh tukar2 pndapat atau senang kalau ada mslah nak tanya range harga rm1k keatas boleh dapat,,
lebih lanjut
better camera doesn't make better photo...
bli kamera murah pon kire ok la kan klu pandai crik angle baik? :)
saya jarang berphoto2 ni..huhu
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